Do you follow the all rules of the road when driving? If so, do you follow them all the time? or only when a police officer is around? Can I be honest? I don’t. I know I should, but as the ride progresses, my speed increases; when there is no one on the road I […]
Rules of Order
Did you ever stop to think about why God gave the Torah to the Israelites? Or contemplate when He gave it? I don’t mean when, as to a date, but in what circumstances? I’ve often heard it said, “The law was given so we can know how sinful we are.” Thinking about the ‘when’ of […]
House Rules
How many rules were in your house growing up? Ever stopped to think about it? I never did until someone started talking about all the ‘rules’ in the Old Testament. Here’s quick list I put together in 30 seconds: Make your bed Keep your room clean Brush your teeth after meals Share Don’t talk to […]
Don’t Open That Door!
Sometimes, when reading the word of God, I feel like I’m watching a horror movie. You know, the kind where you see one of the characters about to go into the room hiding the psychotic killer? You scream at the screen, “Don’t open that door!” But it’s no good. She opens the door and meets […]
Go Up to Zion
Anyone who’s worked with me in ministry knows that I don’t like asking for help. That’s right; I am that stubborn, Italian, ‘I can do it all’ kind of person. And God loves me too much to leave me that way! Back in April, I attended Temple Aron HaKodesh’s School of Prayer. There I learned […]
Keeping the Sabbath God’s Way
I hear a lot of talk about taking a Sabbath rest and how important it is to rest one day a week. While it is true that we must rest, there is a lot more to keeping the Sabbath than what we Gentiles understand. Jesus did say in Mark 2:27, ‘man was not made for […]
Reaching out to the Jews
I know a lot of Christians who have a heart for the Jewish people. They pray and long to see them come to know Jesus as Messiah. Recently, with the direction of teaching the Lord has been taking me on, I often wonder two things: They know Jesus as Lord, but do they know him […]
Three Kinds of Cats in the World
I have three cats that I kept praying would all get along. God basically said, “No.” Now I understand why – there was a lesson to be learned in how they behave. Two of the cats – Nick and Milshean – are extremely faithful, loving kitties. But they don’t get along with each other. Milshean […]
What’s So Special About The Torah?
Do you know what makes the Word of God different from all other ancient writings? And why it is important to understand this difference? I heard a teaching yesterday that intrigued me. It focused on the various ways the gospel of Matthew whispers of Jesus being a prophet like Moses, and how this would sound […]
It Is Finished
On the cross, as Jesus breathed his last, he proclaimed, “It is finished.” What was finished? Many believe it was the law that was finished. But is that true? If so, why did his followers, even after the giving of the Holy Spirit that illuminated the Scriptures for them, still practice Judaism? So I had […]