Stephen King said in his book ‘On Writing’, you can’t be a writer if you are not a reader. I must confess it’s been a long time since I picked up a good book and read. Oh, I’ve read a lot of articles, a lot of non-fiction, and a lot of the Word. But when […]
Author Archive | Ro Pinto
Without Love
I often say that if I had it to do over, I would have been an archeologist. I love research, especially when it comes to digging into the past. That’s what I loved about traveling to Israel – there is so much past to walk through, so much to be touched and experienced there if […]
How Do They Not See It?
This morning I was reading from Luke chapter one. Gavri’el visited Miryam with the news that she was pregnant, and her cousin Elisheva was as well. Miryam headed straight to Elisheva in the mountains of Yehudah. When she entered the home, Miryam made a brachah over Elisheva, and Yochanan danced in her womb. This very familiar story sounds […]
All That Work for Nothing?
How often when we read the book of Leviticus do we get bored…eyes glazing over as the words on the page drift by without meaning? We yawn and skim over all the detailed instructions given by God to Moses thinking, “This has nothing to do with me. The Temple’s gone…Yeshua’s done away with the sacrifice…ho […]
Leave it to Rabbi Matthew!
I know it’s been quite a while, and I do apologize. Life has a way of moving from one day to the next and before you know it five months is gone! So what’s been happening at Journey to Messiah? A lot of praying and a lot of working…literally. I’ve been doing some reworking of […]
What Does the Passing Lane Have To Do With the Land of Canaan?
If you’re anything like me, minor irritation lurks everywhere. The smallest things often get the biggest reactions. It’s the little things that drive me batty! But the big question is: does it matter? In doing research for my novel I purchased ‘Manners and Customs in the Bible – An Illustrated Guide to Daily Life in Bible […]
What If?
I am finally pursuing the novel that is dancing in my head, waiting patiently to be let out. Rather it’s more like the kid doing the pee-pee dance, praying for that locked bathroom door to open! Two words – what if – are keys to a writer’s imagination. Those two little words start a whole […]
What Does Baking Bread Have To Do With The Kingdom of Heaven?
When God wants my attention, when He wants to teach me something, He pulls together random situations, conversations, and my own wandering thoughts. Recently, fellow blogger James Pyles posted about a radio sermon he heard. He is having an issue with Christianese (as many of us do once we come to the full revelation that […]
There’s a Storm Coming
I’m writing this on Labor Day, but it won’t post until Thursday. So as I write this, there is a hurricane brewing in the Atlantic with its sites set on us in south Florida. Though it’s too soon to tell, by the time this is posted, we could be a lot closer to landfall […]
The Sabbath Was Made For Man
Did you ever take a look at how many times the word ‘Sabbath’ is used in the Bible? Over 150 times. Compare that with the tithe (which is mentioned just over 50 times) and I’ve got to wonder which is more difficult for us to follow? Give ten percent of your funds to the work […]