Shabbat Shalom from the land of Israel!
Today is our last day here and I am feeling full. That’s the only way I know how to describe it. Satisfied doesn’t quite cover it. It’s like the difference between eating until you are satisfied, and feeling completely full. Those who diet understand what I mean. The Lord has filled me up on this trip. Going with a tour group was good, but traveling through the land on your own – with your own agenda and taking your time at the places God speaks to you, nothing can compare to that. Not even living in the land. Unless, of course, you are retired with a nice nest egg.
Even though today is the Sabbath, yesterday was a pretty restful day for us (except getting lost trying to find gas, and the car rental place.) We left Beit She’an early, driving the hour and a half to Jerusalem without traffic. After returning the car, we wandered the streets of Jerusalem, watching as people went about their business, preparing for the Sabbath. A group of young men were marching down Jaffa Street, singing and waving the Israeli flag. What a great way to counter the hate they have been experiencing.
We headed to Yehuda Market, a place for various foods, cooking needs, and some souveniers. I scored nearly some great gifts, food, and a smoothie-type iced coffee. It was really nice participating in the life of Jerusalem.
We returned to the hostel to see if we could check in early (it was noon and check in is 2). No luck. But the gal at the desk suggested we go to Beth El Fair. It’s an arts and crafts fair. Exactly what I needed! My son, who is an artist, wanted something form a local artist. And I was having a hard time finding something affordable. But BAM, God once more provided, reminding me that he was in control of this trip.
Last evening we attended King of Kings Community – a Hebrew Messianic congregation. Until this trip, the only experience I’ve had with Messianic congregations is Temple Aron haKodesh. I’m going to save my thoughts on the various congregations until the plane ride home.
After the service, Maria and I ran into a woman named Ruth. She is Jewish and has been a believer for a long time. Her entire family are believers. She’s had some challenges for a number of years, but her faith is unwavered. She asked for prayer, so we prayed for her. I ask you to keep her in your prayers as well. Her brother is very ill and the whole family is experiencing a financial drain because of it. But God.
We returned to the hostel, and I joined in on the Shabbat dinner, getting to answer some questions of two Christian ladies, one of whom lives in Italy. Maria and I wanted to go to the wall last night, but we were both tired. I stayed up until 11 so I could talk to my granddaughter when she got out of school. I also talked to my mom, which was really nice.
And that brings us to this morning – our last day. There are no regrets. It has been an amazing trip, and I am so grateful to Abba for putting it together for us.
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