This morning I am setting aside discussions about our journey to our Jewish Messiah and asking all of us to stop talking and start doing.
Doing what?
Being a disciple.
Doing the work of the Kingdom.
This first starts with having a heart after God’s own heart. When Yeshua saw the suffering his heart broke and brought healing to relieve the suffering (in more ways than one, but I don’t want to digress into discussion today.)
So I am asking you to look at the suffering of just one little boy and his mommy – Jackson (Jax) Baldwin and Jessica Valik. But don’t just glance at it, really look at it. Because I believe that when you really look at the face and suffering of this little one, and the helplessness of his mommy who loves him, you will be moved to do something. Go to the Facebook page set up for Jax and read what his life is like. Look at the photos posted. Let your heart break. And then do something.
What can you do? The most powerful thing in the world – pray. Pray for Jax’s healing. Really pray for it. Really believe it. It doesn’t have to be fancy prayers, but it does have to be honest prayers.
Then help. Help by donating to Jax’s trust fund. There is also a wishlist of items that will help them here. Jax and Jessica are part of the body of Messiah. When one part hurts, we all hurt. So do what you can to offer financial relief.
Then get the word out. Tell other believers about their suffering and ask them to pray and help.
I truly believe that when the body comes together to help one another, our Abba is pleased.
Discussions are great, but faith without works is dead. So let’s get to work!
(For those not on Facebook, I posted Jessica’s blog here.)
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