In my last post I talked about Christmas, so today I want to delve into Hanukkah. So many people believe Hanukkah is a holiday that came about some time after Jesus left the earth. Some even think it’s the Jewish counter to Christmas. What many don’t know is that it started in 165 BCE. And […]
Tag Archives | Jesus
Christmas – Earning God’s Grace?
You better watch out, you better not cry You better not pout, I’m telling you why Santa Claus is comin’ to town There was an explosion of emotion this week at my son’s house. It’s that time of year when the world falls in love Ev’ry song you hear seems to say “Merry Christmas, may […]
Why Do Jewish People Reject Jesus?
Have you ever wondered why Jewish people reject Jesus? Seriously, have you stopped to truly examine the situation? Would you be surprised to learn that it’s our fault? (And by ‘our’ I mean Gentile Believers.) Well it is. You see, Jewish people who reject Jesus as Messiah and say He is a false prophet are […]
What Is the Gospel Message?
I recently read a blog trying to explain the Gospel message. In it, the author stated that the gospel message isn’t about us doing anything, but all about what Jesus did so we could go to heaven. But is that true? In the gospel of Matthew and Mark I hear Jesus saying, “Repent for the […]
Solomon in the Sermon on the Mount
They say that imitation is the highest form of flattery. Did you know that discipleship is exactly that? Imitation. Imitation of everything your teacher says and does. In Judaism, disciples study the words of their rabbi. They memorize his teachings and his interpretation of the Torah, and then implement these into their lives. Recently, a […]
Was Paul a Gnostic?
The other day I was searching for information about the Millennial Temple. I came across a YouTube video, but got more than what I bargained for. The teacher insisted that Paul was a gnostic. He said that sin cannot live in the presence of God because He is Holy. Since Paul taught that the Holy […]

Is Everything Now Clean?
We typically hear that God did away with the laws of clean and unclean in Peter’s vision. But is that true? Is that really what He did? Let’s go to Peter’s own explanation to find out. In Acts 11:4 Luke tells us, “Peter began explaining in detail what happened.” Then in verse 9 Peter says, […]

Why Did Jesus Curse the Fig Tree?
Did you ever wonder why Jesus killed the fig tree in Matthew 21? I have. I mean, did He go around cursing things that didn’t do what He wanted? It seems out of character for Him, doesn’t it? I had the privilege of attending a bible study with Rabbi Matthew Salathe at Temple Aron haKodesh […]

Jesus – the Prophet like Moses
Recently I was reading Deuteronomy 18 where Moses instructs the Israelites “The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me…you must listen to him.” I got to thinking what, exactly, does this mean? After all, there have been many prophets since the time of Moses. But he talked about one […]

The Good News of Elul
What exactly is Elul and why should Christians care? In the Hebrew calendar, Elul is the name of the month that comes before the fall feasts. It is the time leading up to Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot. Traditionally, it is remembered as the time God gave Moses the second set of tablets and […]