In the morning, I usually read the Bible on my tablet. You see, I have small sources of light around the house, giving off a soft glow that I love. Turning on a harsh light would smash that peaceful, warm feeling. The early morning is the time of day that I seek my Father. It’s […]
Tag Archives | Elul

Jesus – the Prophet like Moses
Recently I was reading Deuteronomy 18 where Moses instructs the Israelites “The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me…you must listen to him.” I got to thinking what, exactly, does this mean? After all, there have been many prophets since the time of Moses. But he talked about one […]

The Good News of Elul
What exactly is Elul and why should Christians care? In the Hebrew calendar, Elul is the name of the month that comes before the fall feasts. It is the time leading up to Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot. Traditionally, it is remembered as the time God gave Moses the second set of tablets and […]

Did Jesus Rescue Us from God?
What many non-Jewish Christians don’t get is that God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Oh, we say we get it, we say we believe it, but do we really? When it comes to a discussion of Torah, our words often reveal something entirely different – and we don’t even realize it. Because we […]

Fasting God’s Way
This is the month of Elul. It is a time of preparation for the holy days that are coming. It is a time to fast and pray. That got me thinking about a lesson God gave me a few years back on fasting. One day I was praying about jobs and income for my […]