Archive | April, 2015

Butterfly Children

Two weeks ago, I saw Jonathan Pitre’s story on Youtube.  His suffering broke my heart and I’ve not been able to shake the images or sounds of his suffering.  Jonathan suffers from Epidermolysis bullosa.  It is a rare genetic disorder that causes the skin to be extremely fragile, blistering and tearing from the slightest friction […]

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Behold the Lamb!

Did you know that Passover starts with the selection of the lamb? It’s true. The rabbis actually refer to this as a great miracle and it is commemorated on Shabbat HaGadol. What is the great miracle? That God provided the lamb. But what exactly is the Passover lamb? We know that it is a memorial […]

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A Real Seder? Or Just a Teaching Opportunity?

One question that comes up this time of the year is how could Yeshua have a real Passover Seder, but still be sacrificed as the Lamb of God at the appropriate time?  At our Seder this year, I added a short teaching after the meal addressing this question.  In response to several requests for this […]

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