Archive | October, 2014

It’s All About Grace

The other day a friend responded to my post, ‘Same God, Same Commandments, But?’ with, “It’s all about grace.” And he’s right! It is all about grace. The challenge we have as Christians is that we think grace came into play only in the New Testament. However, when we look at the writings of the […]

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Going to a Miknic

A miknic?  What on earth is a miknic?  Well, if you attend Temple Aron haKodesh, you know that a miknic is our family’s way of saying we are going to a beach picnic that will include immersion in the ocean. In Hebrew, the word for the place to have that immersion is known as a […]

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Who Can Define Sin?

God is the Creator of all things. Stop for a minute and dwell on that. No really, meditate on the fact that before God began creating, nothing existed – no time…no space…nothing. Then God began to create. And He set up laws and systems to keep that creation going, laws like gravity and motion, the […]

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Just When You Think it’s Over, Simchat Torah Arrives

On Saturday our congregation celebrated Simchat Torah (the Joy of Torah). One might ask why believers in Messiah would celebrate the Torah? The answer is quite simple. Jesus is the Living Torah. This year was the second time I participated in this joyous occasion. But I’ve got to tell you, this year was better! For […]

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The Day the Sukkah Came Down

On Wednesday, as the festival of Sukkot was drawing to a close, I started looking at my schedule and wondering when I was going to take down the sukkah. I also wondered when it was ‘kosher’ to do so. So I asked my Father for wisdom and started searching the internet for answers. Turns out […]

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Sobering Thoughts in the Midst of Joy

Those who subscribe to my newsletter know they are privy to thoughts and insights that I don’t normally share on this blog. However, the more I thought about the subject of this last week’s newsletter, the more I feel it needs to be out in the open and discussed. So I hope my subscribers understand […]

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Sukkot – A Weekend of Joy

Sharing the joy of dwelling in a sukkah is made sweet with the fellowship of mishpocha – family!  Saturday and Sunday evening, we had lots of fellowship with the family of God. Everyone came with a decoration in hand to add their own special touch to the sukkah.  After all, it is a family sukkah! […]

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Rejoicing in Sukkot – Sabbath Joy

Who would have thought the joy of Sabbath could get any better?  But under a sukkah, with good friends, the joy is multiplied! Angelina and I were joined on Friday night by the Seiger family.  As previously mentioned, I asked guests to bring a decoration for the sukkah, because they are not guests but family.  […]

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How to Build a Sukkah – Time to Decorate and Enjoy

I hope you don’t mind that this week is focused on sharing our sukkah experience with you.  It is something I would encourage everyone to participate in, whether building your own or joining someone in theirs. As we learn in Zechariah, all nations will be called to come before the Lord on the Feast of […]

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How to Build a Sukkah – Sukkot 2014

There is only one thing needed to build a sukkah – love!  Love for God and love for man.  It is that love that put together my first sukkah. Today’s post is more a photo journal, but since we know pictures speak volumes, I will let the photos do the talking. So let’s start at […]

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