Archive | September, 2013

light shining in space

The Light of Messiah

God said let there be light and the light was good. Years ago I home-schooled my six children. We were coming to a place in science where they would be learning about the speed of light.  As I was preparing for the lesson, I anxiously asked the Lord how I would explain this based on […]

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My Suitcase?

Did you ever have a pastor say something to you that you weren’t quite sure how to take?  I did.  About a year ago I had the opportunity to meet with my pastor to discuss a decision I needed to make.  As we were getting settled in, he referred to my bible as ‘that suitcase’.  […]

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How Could They Grow Cold in the Land of Plenty?

We often wonder how the Israelites, who walked closely with God in the wilderness, saw all His miracles, ate of nnected with the God who loves me too much to let me stay away from Him. ck into ministry, but above all, I’em, I need fiHis manna and had all their daily needs provided, could […]

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